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Meet Steven

Meet the Team

Meet Steven

Meet the Team
An article from ComputerMinds - Building with Drupal in the UK since 2005
9th Jul 2019

Steven Jones

Senior Developer
Steven Jones
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As a web based company our clients often don't get to know the people behind the name they see on their screens. We want to take the mystery away and give you the opportunity to get to know the ComputerMinds a bit better. We're quite nice, although maybe we're a bit biased about that!

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Steven is our ComputerMinds genius. There's rarely a problem he can't fix, probably due to his wealth of experience in the Drupal world.

Which office do you work in?

Coventry and remotely.

How long have you worked for CM?

Full time: ten and half years, I worked for ComputerMinds part time for a couple of years before that too.

How do you travel to the Office?

Pedal power. Follow me on Strava

What is your favourite thing about working for CM?

ComputerMinds is such a relaxed and fun place to work, it's great, pretty much anything can be changed if you have the willpower to push the change through :)

What is your favourite thing to eat when at work?

Biscuits. All of the biscuits. More specifically we get these triple decker things, chocolate biscuits with vanilla cream between them. Yum.

Tea or Coffee?

Why not both?

Interesting fact about you

I joined on Christmas day!

What Drupal projects/modules are you involved in?

Many, but my involvement has dropped off in the past few years. My profile has a decent listing of them all: I'm still involved because of working for ComputerMinds obviously, but I don't do anything outside of work hours now.

What’s your favourite kind of Drupal work?

Anything involving a queue. Queues give you so much freedom to fail and handle that gracefully, it's a really lovely safety net.

Learn more about Steven on his profile page or if you like you can read more about the team at ComputerMinds.

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ComputerMinds are the UK’s Drupal specialists with offices in Bristol and Coventry. We offer a range of Drupal services including Consultancy, Development, Training and Support. Whatever your Drupal problem, we can help.