Drupal Training
Flexible Training

We find that each client is unique when it comes to their training requirements and are only too happy to discuss your individual requirements with you.
We can be flexible on location too, you can either come and visit us at one of our offices in Bristol or Coventry or we can come to you!
The right content
Recommended topics for key audiences include:
Editorial team
- Confidence creating content
- Managing Media
- Understanding menus and links
- Security risk awareness for content builders
- Building and managing Forms
Site Managers and Admins
- Business Insights - using Views to extract data
- Creating, managing and editing Views
- Managing users and roles
- Accessing and handling data from Forms
IT & System Administrators
- Drupal's system requirements
- Drupal's network interactions
- SSO, MFA & Authentication
- Forms and GDPR
For the right people
Getting the right training to those that need it, across your business or organisation, can be quite a task! We can confidently deliver training to all audiences face-to-face or over video link.
Train the trainer
When you need an in-house expert that can share knowledge across the team as needed, with time flexibility, we can train your designated Trainer with all they need.
For the team
Well-planned live-video or in-person sessions can be effective for training groups of Content Editors.
For management, IT and key stakeholders
Ensure that the people with the most at stake understand your site's security measures, GDPR implications, IT requirements and potential business benefits.
At the right time
During a new site build
Typically we aim to get you using the site as soon as we're able, which gets your feedback and your validation on the build so far - and allows your team to get practised on their editorial processes and workflows. Training at this point can give a great head start.
IT administrators may also benefit at this time from a dedicated slot to cover Drupal's hosting needs, interactions on your network or administrative processes and user permission management before the site is live and running.
Build confidence with existing sites
If your team feel low in confidence with their site, their frustrations can really affect morale. We can run discovery sessions to understand where people are getting in trouble, and build a training outline to cover exactly what's needed.
Talk to us about your training and support needs
Case studies

The Conservative Party