Jenny Smailes

Meet Jen, the orchestrator of the Meet the Team series. She is the CM tea maker, I mean apprentice, and is learning back-end coding on the job but also supports us with some admin, editing and testing.
Which office are you based in?
In normal circumstances I'm based in the Coventry office but in the world of Coronavirus I am working from home. I still work in Coventry but at my little desk at home instead :)
How long have you worked for CM?
I've worked part time at ComputerMinds since March 2017 but I had nearly a year off to have a baby.
What is your favourite thing about working for CM?
The relaxed and supportive environment. It is also inspiring working with such motivated problem solvers. I'm learning lots.
What is your favourite thing to eat whilst you work?
When I worked full days in the office, my favourite time of day was my afternoon tea and biscuit. Since working from home I don't really eat at my desk but I still drink lots of tea :)
Tea or Coffee?
Tea. Always tea.
Interesting fact about you
Interesting is a relative term but you may be interested to know that I toured Europe twice playing the Clarinet in my school orchestra. I will admit that it was the school choir that had the fame and the Orchestra was the warm up act, although sometimes we performed together. The best place to perform by far was St Marks Cathedral in Venice. I can still taste the fresh Margherita pizza mmmmm...
What Drupal projects/modules are you involved in?
None at the moment, although I love discovering new ones. I love taking a browse through all the available Drupal modules.
What’s your favourite kind of Drupal work?
I love the front end stuff and editing content. I'm a perfectionist and like to make sure everything is lined up and consistent.
Learn more about Jenny on her profile page or if you like you can read more about the team at ComputerMinds.