Level up with Alfred
Nathan Page
OSX's Spotlight tool made searching files and starting tasks a dream. That dream, though, still had space for more. What if you could execute commands from Spotlight? Or do really clever things?
Cue Alfred, stage left.
Alfred is everything you wanted Spotlight to be. It can search anything, it can do anything and it's configurable. The more we learn about Alfred, the more we're glad we use it and the more time we save.
Clipboard history
Why don't operating systems have clipboard history? We don't know. It would be a killer feature. Fortunately, Alfred comes in and saves the day. Configure any amount of clipboard history, let it be searchable, let it be reusable and copy-and-pastable all with a few clicks in the preferences pane - then go back to work and save yourself tons of time.
This is a paid feature, and is totally worth it.
Customisable search
The winner with Alfred is that you just don't have to think about remembering how to find things. You can search system tasks, applications, web browser history (optional) and almost anything you like, and plugins make that world even more extensible.
There are plugins for things like Git that you can set up, or you can have shortcuts for searching websites.
For example, you might set Alfred up so that you can type "dp entityreference" and have it send you in your browser to drupal.org/project/entityreference
Or you could set up the Git plugin so that you can get fast access to projects or Pull Requests.
Or you could set it up with Dash integration.
The possibilities are endless!
Every decent product has a calculator, surely! Alfred has a calculator, which lets you calculate things right right now. Super fast. Win.
Steven's favourite feature of Alfred is "EVERYTHING". We won't have time here to explain EVERYTHING, but will have to simply suggest you go try it!
Alfred have a free tier which offers a bunch of useful things, but you'll definitely find that the paid tier is worth its weight in gold. .