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Level up your dev environment - top tools and tips from ComputerMinds

Level up your dev environment
An article from ComputerMinds - Building with Drupal in the UK since 2005
6th Nov 2018

Nathan Page

Nathan Page
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Ever wondered if you truly have the perfect setup going on your development PC (or mac!)? There are so many tools out there to make development life easier, but it can be hard to know what's out there. Follow along to hear our top tools and tips, see if there's something missing from your world - and let us know your best tools and tips too!

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The other day, I shared with the office that I was really blown away by Steve T's Zsh tip about installing a plugin that gives you a desktop toast notification when a long-running command in a zsh terminal completes.

So astounded I was, that I declared that we should put our heads together and share companywide our top tools and tips. No longer should the most useful things be kept quiet, and no longer shall I be content to miss out!

Everyone pitched in with a few ideas, and I thought it would be good to get them written up for the world to enjoy.

So, fellow Drupal developers, watch this space as we add our thoughts and recommendations over the next few weeks.



Alternative titles for this article series include:

  • 10 ways your local development environment can suck the life out of you, you won't believe number 7
  • 8 things the media hasn't told you about your local development environment
  • the most incredible article about your local development environment you'll ever read

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ComputerMinds are the UK’s Drupal specialists with offices in Bristol and Coventry. We offer a range of Drupal services including Consultancy, Development, Training and Support. Whatever your Drupal problem, we can help.