Drupal 10 upgrade: Introduction
Steven Jones
On 14th December 2022 Drupal 10 was released. We can't say we immediately set about the task of upgrading all our Drupal 9 sites, but we did start thinking and planning to move all our sites in 2023.
I thought it might be fun to take a look at how we do an upgrade and specifically the upgrade of this very website.
So over the next few weeks we'll be slowly getting this site ready and as up to date as possible before making the jump up to Drupal 10.
We've got a few challenges ahead, this site was originally a Drupal 8 site and has a fair amount of technical debt, we're going to need to pay down some of that debt and make some fairly major changes along the way.
We're going to need to make some 'infrastructure' level changes along the way too and ensure our hosting will cope with Drupal 10, and we're going to need to test out the new site to make sure that everything works as it should etc.
Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for more articles in the series and follow along and apply the techniques here to your own sites.