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Working with Drupal 8

Drupal 8 saw a dramatic change from previous releases of Drupal. Amongst these changes is a big step towards using an object oriented approach built around the Symfony 3 framework instead of using hooks.

Other changes include a complete rethinking of how themes work with a change to use the TWIG theme engine rather than PHP template. Take a look at some of our Drupal 8 posts below...

Read some of our articles about Drupal 8

Drupal 8: Creating a custom field - Part 1: Field type

Jo Fitzgerald
Jo Fitzgerald
28th Jan 2014

I have been experimenting with the Alpha release of Drupal 8 and so I'm sharing some of my experiences so that you can avoid the pitfalls I have encountered.

First I would like to give credit to the two articles I used during the exercise:

Hopefully this article will provide a third point-of-view to make your task easier.

a) Create the file

In D8 the location of files is very important. The field type must be located as follows:...

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