Drupal articles

ComputerMinds are diversifying

1st Apr 2021

The last year has highlighted to us all how important it is for the global community to come together and solve problems. We rate ourselves highly at ComputerMinds, and figure it's time to share and stretch our abilities to the full. So I'm here on this special day to announce that we are branching out beyond just resolving bugs on websites, to fixing any kind of bugs in any problem space. There's so much market potential, we're really quite excited at the possibilities for bringing innovative solutions to the world!

Medical bugs

The ugliest bug of them all, COVID-19, has...

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Our 12 month contribution challenge so far

23rd Jun 2020

So we challenged ourselves to contribute back to the Drupal community this year. How are we doing? Here's a simple update on what each of us has done so far. Hopefully we'll see other ComputerMinds team members join this list by the end of the year.

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Nathan's fix for Rabbit Hole

4th Feb 2020

In case you're not aware, this year a bunch of us at CM are taking on a Drupal contribution challenge. Do go read about it!

I managed to squeeze in this contribution BEFORE the challenge started ? What a way to start the year!

We have a site that uses a large number of features to manage a large number of taxonomies, and I was tasked with rabbit-holing them all. That is, to make sure that if a user tries to visit any of their term pages, they just get a 404 page. Rabbit Hole is the answer, and lets...

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