Drupal - imagecache problems with special characters
27th Sep 2008
Mike Dixon
Senior Mind
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We came across this problem on one of our Drupal sites the other day, someone uploaded an image with an ampersand in the filename, and imagecache refused to display the image. A bit of investigating revealed that imagecache had a problem with a number of special characters in the image filenames.
The solution is a little imagecache theme override - you can see examples for both Drupal5 and Drupal6 below
Drupal 5 version
function phptemplate_imagecache($namespace, $path, $alt = '', $title = '',
$attributes = NULL) {
$attributes = drupal_attributes($attributes);
$imagecache_path = file_create_url(file_directory_path() .'/imagecache/'.
$namespace .'/'. drupal_urlencode($path));
return '<img src="'. $imagecache_path .'" alt="'. check_plain($alt) .'" title="'. check_plain($title) .'" '. $attributes .' />';
Drupal 6 version
function phptemplate_imagecache($namespace, $path, $alt = '', $title = '', $attributes = NULL) {
if ($image = image_get_info(imagecache_create_path($namespace, $path))) {
$attributes['width'] = $image['width'];
$attributes['height'] = $image['height'];
// check is_null so people can intentionally pass an empty
// array of attributes to override
// the defaults completely... if
if (is_null($attributes)) {
$attributes['class'] = 'imagecache imagecache-'. $namespace;
$attributes = drupal_attributes($attributes);
$imagecache_url = imagecache_create_url($namespace, drupal_urlencode($path));
return '<img src="'. $imagecache_url .'" alt="'. check_plain($alt) .'" title="'. check_plain($title) .'" '. $attributes .' />';