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Making a drupal views block title link back to the view

An article from ComputerMinds - Building with Drupal in the UK since 2005
24th Jan 2009

Steven Jones

Senior Developer
Steven Jones
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One for the small but handy category this. The standard "more" link the views module adds to it's blocks has no place on a modern accessible website, you really need a more verbose link in there. One solution has always been to add a bit of footer or header text into the block, but it's a little tedious - and clients always find views hard to edit.

This simple solution will turn the block title into a link to the view, it goes into your template.php _phptemplate_variables function

  if ($hook=='block'){
    $block = $vars['block'];
    if ($block->module == 'views'){
      $view = views_get_view($block->delta);
      if ($view->page && $view->url && $block->subject){
        $link =  l($block->subject,$view->url,array(),null,null,false,true);
        $vars['block']->subject = $link;

[EDIT] - as per comments below, the above is Drupal 5.x only - the principle could be applied in 6.x using a preprocess hook (either in your template.php or in a simple module)

Hi, thanks for reading

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